What Every Frenchwoman Wants (2025)

The 2025 remake of What Every Frenchwoman Wants follows 16-year-old Roger, a boy sent to the French countryside during World War I to escape the chaos. In this retelling, Gal Gadot plays Claire, an alluring and mysterious woman who becomes the object of Roger’s infatuation.

Roger, arriving at the idyllic villa, is surrounded by a group of sophisticated women, each representing a different aspect of femininity. His initial innocence quickly evolves into curiosity, particularly toward Claire, whose elegance and confidence captivate him. The women are aware of Roger’s youthful naivety and gently tease him, but Claire stands out as the focal point of his desires.

As the days pass, Roger becomes increasingly enamored with Claire, mistaking her kindness and flirtation for deeper affection. He spies on the women, overhears their conversations, and imagines romantic scenarios, all while experiencing a whirlwind of emotions and confusion. Claire, while amused by Roger’s attention, understands the boundaries between them, seeing him more as a boy caught in the throes of adolescence than a potential lover.

The film builds tension as Roger becomes bolder in his attempts to win Claire’s affection, but Claire remains out of reach. One pivotal moment occurs when Roger sneaks into Claire’s room one night, hoping to confess his feelings. Instead, he finds her with another man, shattering his romanticized view of her and forcing him to confront the reality of adult relationships. This heart-wrenching scene marks Roger’s coming-of-age moment, as he realizes that desire and love are far more complex than he had imagined.

The movie ends with Roger leaving the villa, carrying with him the lessons of his youthful obsession. As he looks back at Claire and the women, he is forever changed, understanding that desire, while intoxicating, is often unattainable. The film portrays the bittersweet loss of innocence and the awakening to the complexities of adult emotions.


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