
In “Roadkill,” a 1989 horror-comedy directed by Amit Gupta, the story follows a group of friends who encounter a series of bizarre and horrifying events on a remote stretch of road. The central plot revolves around the mysterious disappearances and gruesome deaths that occur after they take a wrong turn. The friends initially think it’s just a string of unfortunate accidents, but as they delve deeper, they realize something more sinister is at play.

The twist is revealed towards the end of the film when it’s uncovered that the killings are being orchestrated by a deranged local who has been using the remote road to lure unsuspecting travelers. The killer has a disturbing obsession with roadkill, using it as part of a ritualistic practice that he believes will grant him power or immortality. The friends, initially in denial, find themselves in a desperate fight for survival as they try to escape the killer’s clutches. In the final confrontation, the remaining survivors manage to outsmart the killer, but not without significant loss and trauma, leaving them forever haunted by their harrowing experience.

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